Book no. 9 for 2016

CURRENTLY READING: Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl.

I have had various moments up until now where the book I've bought and read was exactly what I need at that phase in life due to the situation or struggles I'm facing. There was even once where I bought a book, it was The Zahir by Paulo Coelho. I bought it when I was around 17 or 18 years old, I remembered I was reading it at that age and it made no sense to me, I was reading words but the words did not made any sense to me. Now thinking back, I don't think I finished reading it, however a couple of years later I decidedly picked up that book and started re-reading it. To my surprise, everything I was reading made a whole of sense, I could relate to the emotions conveyed and it resonated with me. I remembered going through a bit of a rough time and it was just comforting.  At that point, it just made clear to me that when the time comes things will just fall into place and that if its not meant for you now, does not mean that it won't be suitable for you later on and vice versa.

I believe this is applicable for a lot of aspects in life. Just because something is not working out for you now, does not mean when the opportunity presents itself to you, the results will be the same as before. We should allow ourselves to able to take that step again. Although I'm not a good practitioner of that belief, it is a good reminder for each of us to always take chances! 

I remember coming across his name (Viktor Frankl) somewhere in an article or a book I was reading and it just stayed stuck in my head. Until recently when his name reappeared and with what I'm struggling with right now, how apt it was that I searched for his book because of what he been through and what he developed or discovered. Hence, I started reading his book and to my surprise it is a very good read. I would definitely recommend this book :) knowing what actually happen in concentration camps, it is a good way to learn about history that I was never taught in school. 

Mainly, I wanted to read this book because if there are people who have gotten through situations in life where everything was robbed from them and they can still have that will and purpose in their life. Knowing and acknowledging their existence in life, then why not me? Me who is struggling yet have so much to be grateful for, nothing has been taken away from me, not like what some of these inspiring people had been through. 
