
i was actually having some trouble with my blog...i couldn't publish my post...so sad but finally it works. phew!

the most exciting thing that happened this week was making emily her bday present. On monday together with xin yun. I have to admit it was good! it looks as though we bought it...but it was handmade. Everything! once i have the picture of it i'll post it.. Xin yun baked blackforest cake, it was good. haha

I skipped school today. I feel disappointed though cause i do not have the will power to do what i really need to do. and my attitude i feel is not that great. that is what i feel. As i've said before i have gotten back most of my results and i did not do so well... although i do feel i have improved. I just made a study timetable earlier today and hopefully it will help me more. Mr Siew started the whole revision thing this week. FINALLY..and today's add maths...so many questions until the moment i step out of the class i couldn't see clearly...everything is a blur...I'm still working on my differentiation though.

well tomorrow i will be going to school. I really want to get back my chemistry results. I really really really times infinity hope i did well in it...
