Unemployed but not out of work...make sense? =)

Okay, blogger as changed their layout and its a whole new look. I'm kinda liking it although it looks and feels so foreign.



it's been a long while! I can't even focus on one thing, like blogging or working... Been meaning to blog but it seems either I'm not out there and updated enough or I'm lacking of thoughts,opinions that would trigger an urge great enough to put those thoughts into words.

I've just recently resigned from my job, I quit earlier than expected but it's such a relief! Not that I hate working, it actually made me felt better in so many ways but this particular place was definitely not my cup of tea,juice or water! 

What is the point of forcing yourself to work in an environment that makes you feel so demoralised and in capable in so many ways. I had a choice either to suck it up and suffer(in a bad way) or just get out of there. But luckily with the support of my family and some friends, I chose to get out of there. 

No point dwelling on how terrible it was, but the truth must be shared. Nuff' said!

I've just one week of bumming around, it's always so easy to get into the lazy mode. I say it's time to reel myself in and focus on what I have to do and what I really really want to do. It's not gonna be easy and I really really hope I can make it work and at least cross out a few of my list! 

