imma tech flop...

have I ever mentioned that I'm not very tech savvy?
how ironic that the line I'm in requires me to use computer a lot...


my external hard disk decided to give me one heck of a stressful day after one whole week of blissful couch potato-ness of my life which really means me catching up with Harry Potter books...Though I'm not done with it yet. Duty calls...

I can't access my files! important files....T_T or rather all my files...

if only it was as simple as going to the doctors...
now I'm punished...and it's gonna hurt real bad...

Lesson learnt!
  1. be delicate/careful with it and don't take it for granted (meaning, don't leave it connected to your busy, be more hardworking and disconnect it when not in use)
  2. Back up what ever you backed up...(in my case, I'm gonna get and external hard disk for my external hard disk)
well, I don't know if being delicate with it would help..its just an assumption, but wouldn't hurt to be extra careful.

Wish me luck and pray hard that I will be able to retrieve my files with minimum damage to the wallet (or purse in my case) 
