Merry Christmas

I would like to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! =)

Can you believe it, its already Christmas! Time REALLY flies, I bet Time uses a jet plane...

Anyway, I was starting to feel really upset in a slightly depressed and emo way. haha. I really don't know what is up with me these few days. I really didn't want to celebrate Christmas alone this year or at least I didn't want to celebrate Christmas at home this year.

So I will be meeting up with Pearl tomorrow. ;D

My bro is coming back today. He wants to eat Tong Yuen, so me and mum made it again. This time I got the chance to make it. Hehe..the dumpling taste yummier! this time got pictures. We call it Christmas Tong Yuen. =P

isn't it pretty? So Christmas-like. haha

well okay. Nothing much to update though, except I'm really tired. My fingers really hurt.

Well, I hope everyone will have a great Christmas!

I hope you guys will get yourself a christmas present!

*hugs and kisses*

with love~


Serena said…
Hey Huei Wenn,
Merry Christmas! (It's already past 12.00 am but never mind).

Wow you did tong yuen too? Did you do it directly from the flour or did you buy those readily made flour and roll it into balls of tong yuen?

My dad bought quite a lot of those readily made flour but all the colours were mixed together. So the tong yuen we did were multi-coloured. What a way to change tradition!

Anyway, I hope your brother enjoyed eating those tong yuen seeing as how much effort you have put into making it.
Unknown said…
LOL I get what you mean, hehe. The first time we made my mum bought the readily made flour. But the second time my mum made directly from the flour. Actually it taste a lot better if made directly from the flour. haha thanks! merry christmas and happy new year to you too!!