no more blue
Today is my 3rd day @ M.I.A! I attended the 2nd workshop today. I drove there and back home alone for the first time too! Yesterday we did 3D-Craft and today we did Mixed Media (collage and painting). 3D- Craft was really interesting. It was a group project and we have to make a mobile craft. Just imagine something like wind-chimes. Something like that. It has to be balance and it needs to show graceful movement. o.O At first I thought it was easy. But hell no! After we finish it only I realised what we have to achieved! =( and I felt not too good yesterday. I almost cried.
Today was so much better! I feel more comfortable there. Its like I'm getting the hang of it. People there are nice and friendly. We did collage today. All the long I thought collage was just a picture made by sticking stuff on to it.. Cut and paste. But what I didn't know is that there are 3 types of collages..? its like;
- type A : using images only. doesn't need to make sense and proportions can be totally whacked out.It just needs to look interesting.
- type B : make a picture/composition using text. You know those text from newspaper, mag etc etc yeah all those and form a picture/composition
- type C : using colours. Either coloured papers or similar colours from anywhere else and again form a picture/composition. Its much better to use similar colours rather than coloured papers because then you can see the textures.
What we did yesterday and today its just for fun and yet its not for fun. It a competition! *pray : pls let me win!* hahaha nah. won't think about it. There are so many talented people here and you can really see a wide range of ideas.The feeling is so different. You're not the odd one out anymore and you are not one of the best in art like in high school. I'm around people who like art and enjoys it. hahaha not like in high school where almost everyone hates art especially if it was taught by Pn. Normaliza! My collage was a little messed up I supposed. I did the image thing. Surprisingly 3 hours was not enough! Most of us didn't take our break like yesterday.
Tomorrow is creative drawing! We're supposed to bring a LOCAL fruit. o.O any local fruit except durians! =P
random: So far I haven't met anyone that take about as much time to travel to college like me. =(
oh well!